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Everyone brings a unique set of strengths

We help individuals, teams and organisations to flourish by harnessing and amplifying these strengths.

Attendees enjoying a Strengthify workshop

Harnessing your strengths

Strengthify works with you, utilising our own Strengthify framework, providing regular events, training and consultancy to grow and nurture your own strengths-based culture.

We apply positive psychology through proven methodologies to understand and leverage what individuals enjoy and help them focus on where they can excel.

Armed with this knowledge, we empower managers to help change how people perceive themselves and how others perceive them.

We help cultivate and support an environment where managers have the knowledge, skills and tools to effectively engage and develop each member of their team. Helping individuals, teams, and entire organisations to thrive. 

We focus on delivering positive outcomes, guiding you to raise performance levels, reducing stress, and achieving greater job satisfaction.

We believe in creating and supporting a sustainable long-term impact through our approach, combining evidence, best practice and our substantial industry experience to support your needs. We know that one-off interventions are very unlikely to achieve improvements, so our engagement with organisations and individual managers is, therefore, very much an ongoing journey.


Know yourself, be empowered and shine

Strengthify will help you focus your talents, time and energy in the right direction. 

We'll give you the tools to gain awareness of your unique innate strengths and make them work for you – in your career and every area of your life.

And by providing a common vocabulary to articulate your strengths to others, you can have the right conversations to develop your role and find your personal zen. 


Know your people, hone teams and grow talent

Strengthify’s value starts with the individual but has the potential to have a transformational impact on the culture of your whole organisation for the long term.

Understanding the true nature of your people’s strengths can shift how you support and motivate them, as well as help them develop. Managers can build and nurture high-performing teams by becoming more informed and effective coaches and mentors; being able to focus their time and effort to more intentionally guide and support individuals and teams. 

And the positive ripple effect can be exponential. Your newly engaged and motivated workforce will naturally lead to increased retention, productivity and wellbeing.

We focus on providing solutions which are a great fit for higher education, but we are also actively supporting organisations within the NHS and wider public sector.

Strenghtift workshop for organisations

The strength behind Strengthify

One of the most fulfilling aspects of running my own company and working closely with the UK higher education sector for over 20 years has been affecting positive change for individuals, teams and organisations.

Several years ago, I discovered Gallup and the CliftonStrengths assessment. Their scientific approach to personal development spurred me to become a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, which further inspired and fuelled my enthusiasm to find a way to empower individuals and managers to understand themselves and their teams more clearly.

Strengthify is the manifestation of that mission and a vivid reflection of two of my strengths. I’m a ‘Maximiser’ – I need to stimulate personal and group excellence. And I’m a ‘Learner’ – I desire to learn and continuously improve. I would love to inspire you to take the same journey as me – to discover your strengths and enjoy the potentially life-changing rewards it can bring to your most important assets (your people) and throughout your organisation.

Holger BollmannStrengthify Founder

We believe the best way for you to understand what Strengthify is about is to experience it yourself.

We recently held our first higher education-focused strengths event with excellent feedback. Our workshop events are designed to engage and inspire attendees, using their own unique CliftonStrengths report, to start harnessing their own strengths more actively and consciously.

We want attendees to experience how they can use positive psychology to engage and develop individuals and teams.

Attending our strengths events can help you:

  • Unlock the truths about the innate abilities you’ve always felt but never fully grasped.
  • Turn negative mindsets into a positive and effective approach across your work and life.
  • Cultivate individuals into becoming highly valued members of their team.
  • Create high-performing organisations with everyone playing to their strengths.
Some attendees enjoying a Strengthify event

The first step of the journey is to reach out

If you’re inspired by the idea of understanding and harnessing individuals’ personal strengths, we’d love to discuss how Strengthify can help your organisation.

Please use the form to get in touch, and we’ll arrange a time for that first, no-commitment conversation.